A Stolen Rolex Brought 160000 to Its Owner
Guys, a famous saying "blessing in disguise" is really wise. An amazing story happened in London where police maintained an operation to check up some jewelry stores activity. They have found a great number of stolen things there. Basically watches. And an interesting thing happened. In order to return everything found police placed pictures of the stolen things on a special site. Interesting, isn't it?
Soon after it first "victims" appeared. Have you already guessed that this is the end of the story? It turned out that those thieves passed their loot to light-fingered jewelers and those jewelers incrusted watches with the precious stones. Yes, they killed two birds with one stone: they made watches more expensive and at the same time watches lost their similarity with their description.

Oh, of course it's a great idea...but Great Britain police works great as well. They gradually returned stolen things to their owners; moreover a very pleasant surprise was waiting for them.
For instance, a woman that bought a watch for 10000 pounds got the same watch but its present price with precious stones was 32 000 pounds.
But the greatest bonus got a golden Rolex owner. From the very beginning his watch wasn't cheap 40000 pounds, but after theft its price became 200000. Wonderful, isn't it?
When the Rolex watch owner saw his renewed watch for the first time he was shocked. And we can easily understand his reaction - just imagine: his watch was beautiful till the theft took place, but this beauty was later adorned with precious stones. Oh, guys, who want to steal my watch, decorate it with precious stones and then give it back to me? Nobody? Why?
Ok, it was a joke but let's be serious. So, I don't know your opinion but as for me, it's a great compensation for all the bypast troubles, agree?

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